To shoot or not to Shoot

Welcome back. This week I will talk to you a little bit about ranged AI issues that you might run into while making your own game. As you all know many games have enemies that have ranged attacks, but those ranged attacks have to be visible, and that turned out to be trickier than I though. There were no suitable tutorials even on YouTube. I somehow got the arrow to spawn in when the AI shoots, but it was missing the player no matter what so it was not viable. I had to restart from scratch meaning hours of work went to waste. Then I found a slightly better way which misses less irregularly. Meaning the arrow always goes straight, but not straight at the player. It always comes out 90 degrees to the left of the archer. I even tried to rotate the arrow when spawning, I tried to rotate the mesh, I tried to rotate the projectile movement component, nothing helped. For now, I am afraid I will have to disappoint you by saying I still have not solved this, but I will keep on keeping on.

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